by vibrantbody | Jan 6, 2016 | Blog
“What do you do?” is one of the most frequent, get to know you questions asked. It’s usually the first question you receive at a networking event, a social mixer, or a business conference. It seems like a straightforward inquiry and it should be easy to answer. Think...
by vibrantbody | Dec 30, 2015 | Blog
I recently had the honor of being interviewed on Deborah LeeAnn’s Luminary Leadership Speaker Series. We had a great discussion and she pulled some tips and thought processes I don’t normally share out of me. Deborah is a dynamic, heart-centered woman...
by vibrantbody | Dec 17, 2015 | Blog
One of the most common areas of feedback I get in my Present With Confidence workshops is about how to handle tough questions. The Q&A part of a presentation or any interaction where you are selling yourself and your ideas can be terrifying to even the most...
by vibrantbody | Dec 4, 2015 | Blog
Ever have someone say, “you’re too much”? Too enthusiastic, too positive, too energetic, too outgoing, too happy? Did you feel like there was something wrong with you, or was the person you were with just having a really bad day? It’s pretty normal for people to be at...
by vibrantbody | Nov 21, 2015 | Blog
A majority of self-help books suggest the key to being happy in life is to think happy and positive thoughts. I’ll agree to some extent; if you’re in a funk because it’s raining out and you think the people at work are mad because you got promoted, changing your...