Does success lead to happiness?  Or happiness to success?

Does success lead to happiness? Or happiness to success?

Emotion and energy are two factors that significantly impact your presentation and how well your message resonates with an audience. For those of you that have been following this blog, you have learned that emotion and energy are more than just intellectual concepts;...
Daily Routines for Increased Presence

Daily Routines for Increased Presence

Welcome back and thanks for tuning in! Last week, we talked about how challenging it can be to remain present in difficult situations. When it comes to looking at life, we are all a work in process as we develop confidence and strength. The more we practice this work,...
How do you manage confrontation?

How do you manage confrontation?

Hello again! Have you ever found yourself in a confrontational situation and it feels like your buttons are getting pushed? Maybe you shut down and have no idea how to respond. Perhaps you strike back or even lose your cool. Once the situation has passed do you wonder...