Welcome back and thanks for tuning in! Last week, we talked about how challenging it can be to remain present in difficult situations. When it comes to looking at life, we are all a work in process as we develop confidence and strength. The more we practice this work, the more consistent we become in our presence and our ability to truly express ourselves in a way that serves our businesses, our families, and all of our close relationships.


It is one thing to intellectually understand the idea of presence and it is another thing to practice it. Presence is more than a state of mind – we need to go beyond thinking about presence to actually embodying presence. Finding ways to access and connect to our bodies, to stay grounded, and to draw upon the inner strength of our powerhouse helps us to become more physically present.


What are the daily and weekly routines that help keep you grounded and present for all the interactions and situations that come your way? In this week’s video, I invite you to think about how you physically connect to and focus on your inner strength. I’ll share with you my practice for connecting to my powerhouse. I’ll let you know how the people closest to me responded as my new found awareness and ability to be in my body translated to me being more fully confident and present in my relationships. Finally, I’ll give you a few ideas for things you might do to practice developing your physical presence.


Whatever stage you are at in your work, remember, presence takes practice! Finding a way that helps you to consistently and physically connect to the center point of your body will help you to stay grounded, energetic, and strong. No matter where you go, what you do, or what situations you find yourself in, accessing your inner core strength will help you to deal with all that comes your way.

I hope this video serves you and I look forward to hearing about the practices that you put in place to help you become more present. See you again next week!