7 Things Never to Do Before You Speak

7 Things Never to Do Before You Speak

I am sure that when you have an important meeting, an interview or you know you will be the one who all the attention is focused on, you go through a mental checklist of the things you have to do to get ready. This week, I am offering you a list of 7 things NEVER to...
My Embarassing “Before” Video

My Embarassing “Before” Video

*Please excuse that the video didn’t embed properly – my troubleshooting skills only go so far, but I wanted you to have this! Please click the link above or copy and paste into your browser to check out this week’s video if it doesn’t appear...
Is a Shaky Voice Giving You Away?

Is a Shaky Voice Giving You Away?

Even if you are totally prepared with an awesome presentation and are rocking your best “A” list outfit, your body will always gives away any nervousness that you are feeling. Many of us have practiced how to carry ourselves well with our shoulders back, our heads...
Presence vs. Perfect Words

Presence vs. Perfect Words

Wishing more people would take notice of the message you’re trying to get out there?  In this video, I share my experience with the simple steps I took that had more people hearing my message and approaching me to learn more.  Once you’ve watched the...