At Vibrant Body, We Believe:
- Health that surpasses the absence of ailments leads to greater engagement in and enjoyment of daily life, and empowers you to contribute your gifts fully out into the world.
- The most powerful resource for your long-term health is to learn to listen to your body, and to work wellness practices that you find valuable into your daily life so your efforts will be sustainable.
- Movement is fundamental to life, and has the power to heal.
- Your mental and emotional health are not separate from your physical health.
- Wellness is dynamic. There are many important facets that contribute to wellness. The ones I specialize in are:
- Strength: developing muscle tone in a balanced way that supports your body’s optimal ranges of motion and function
- Flexibility: ability to move your body in moving fluidly through normal and healthy ranges of motion.
- Pain and Tension relief: restoring blood flow, function, and range of motion to injured, tight, or painful parts of the body through deep stretching workout.
- Personal Empowerment for Women: developing a powerful and feminine personal presence, increasing confidence and authenticity.