North Star Workshop

If you’re like the women in my community, you’ve got tools.

Tools for mindfulness, increasing your happiness or calming and centering.  

You might even teach and facilitate these tools for other people.

What you might not consistently have, is a person or group that holds space for you to use those tools in a clear and intentional way.

It’s always a bit muddier when we try to do it all ourselves.

When you’ve clarified your North Star – distilled down to the feeling, the energetics of something you want to bring to fruition – it becomes a delight to notice and say yes to the stepping stones that bring you there.

It will be something that pulls you, enlivens you, and lights you up.

The North Star Workshop is a 75-minute intention-setting workshop where I’ll guide you through energetic practices to distill and anchor into one priority you’d like to breathe life into over the next 90 days.  

It could be anything. 

It might be an intention in your relationship, your self-care, or your work.

Maybe you even give yourself permission to choose something less ambitious: to step into the energy of more creativity, joy, self-trust, to be more kind and compassionate in your relationships, or with your kids.

The key is that it lights YOU up.  That it’s something YOU desire.

If you’ve done vision boards or goal setting and it hasn’t worked for you, it’s probably because it’s lacked the energetic grounding in your body.  

The fun and magic in the process is that once you’ve aligned to what you want, you get to watch  your life unfold towards it.  It’s not about me or anyone having the answers laid out.  

It’s about you anchoring into what you want for yourself.  Staying energetically expanded and connected to your desire, taking aligned action, and running with the momentum that pulls you towards what you’ve claimed for yourself.  

This intention-setting workshop recently took place, and is available to purchase as a recording through end of day on Friday, July 2. To purchase the recording, please continue registration as you would for the live call. You will receive the prework immediately, and the live recording within 2 business days.

Not sure yet what sort of intention you want to set? No problem. I’ll send you a short, guided process when you register that will set the wheels in motion and help you zero in on what you want to breathe life into during our time together.

This is for you, if:

  • You’re ready to quiet the mental chatter and connect to your higher guidance.
  • You know how great you feel when you’re consistent in your meditation, yoga, or mindful practices, and you’re feeling the nudge to get grounded, aligned, and replenished. 
  • You want to show up more joyful and present in your relationships, your work, your life, and your thoughts.

How about letting your system settle.  

Come into a high vibrational state, be fully present with yourself, and chart a high-vibe focus for the next 3 months with other like-minded women.

Join us in this energetic practice to connect to your higher guidance and clarify, claim, and actualize what you really want for yourself.

And, the power of this experience is amplified when you do it with a friend. Who in your life would love this, too? When you register, you can bring a friend for free (or have her split your ticket). Claim your spot now, and we’ll help you register your friend once you’re in. [Bring a friend is not applicable when purchasing the replay]

Investment: $25

About Cassie:

Cassie Nevitt has been helping clients feel centered, strong, and vibrant in their minds and bodies for the last 14 years.  As a classically trained Pilates instructor and certified  Art of Feminine Presence© teacher, she combines a deep understanding of physical strength and vitality with proven physical and energetic practices to ignite her clients’ sense of unshakeability, certainty, clarity, groundedness, and magnetic personal presence. 

Cassie was certified by Joseph Pilates’ renowned  protégé, Romana Kryzanowska, in 2007 at True Pilates New York, and was certified in the Art of Feminine Presence© by creator, Rachael Jayne Groover, in 2011 (level 1), and 2013 (level 2).  She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Washington University in St. Louis in 2005, and lives in San Diego with her husband, 2 children, and beloved rescue pup.