For many of us, walking through the door and into a room filled with family causes a switch to flip and we fall into old patterns and behaviors. How we fit in the family, our upbringing, and old patterns of behaving are part of our family conditioning. Our buttons can easily get pushed and family gatherings become stressful and filled with misunderstanding.

When we’re with family we don’t give much thought to practicing our personal presence. Family members are the people closest to us and it seems like spending time together should be easy and casual. Having charisma, personal presence, and power is something we develop and reserve for our professional lives.

Family relationships are the subject of this week’s video about the blind spots to embodying personal presence and power across all areas of our lives. I’m excited to talk about family and what happens to our presence because family is a big thing for all of us. And, wouldn’t it be great to really enjoy your family time and honor the people you are with instead of feeling discomfort and stress?

I invite you to watch the video and be aware of how you show up at your next family gathering. Notice how you are feeling and how you are holding your body. Do you slouch in your chair, fidget, or draw into yourself? Now take a moment and think about your personal presence in social interactions or at a work related event. Notice what is different, experiment with making small changes, and see if that brings your energy and engagement to a new level.

Showing up as your best self with your family makes getting together more enjoyable. You’ll be able to set boundaries, have an open heart, and celebrate yourself and the people you are with. While planning this segment, I was working with a client who spent a week caring for a difficult family member. She shared with me how she shifted her focus to her breathing, feeling her feet on the floor, and standing taller when the environment made her tense or defensive. Her interactions became more genuine and less judgmental. The week passed smoothly and she returned home feeling peaceful and calm. She was amazed at how well things worked out!

I would love to hear if family interactions are a blind spot to being your best self. Share what you notice about your feelings during these moments and let me know how that differs from other areas of your life. If you have a story to share about what you did to make a change in your presence with a family member, let us know that too – we’re all in this journey together!

See you next week,


P.S.  Ready to show up as your best self for all your interactions?  There’s still room in our intimate, 5-week series in The Art of Feminine Presence, starting May 27.  Click here to learn for more information and to register.